On Saturday, March 3 the Western Spirit Art Show opens at the Old West Museum in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The Reception is open to the public from 6-10 pm, and all types of artwork from oils to pen and ink to photography and sculpture, all with a western theme, will be displayed and for sale. Carol has 5 pieces in …
Holiday Pop Up Gallery With Local Artists In South Denver now Open
Carol’s Horses Carol Walker has her horses at Roxbourough Art Association’s new Holiday Pop Up Gallery at Aspen Grove in Littleton, Colorado. 30 Local artists have a wonderful assortment of gifts for the holidays at the Aspen Grove Mall in Littleton, Colorado. Oil Paintings, Pottery, Photography, Jewelry, Cards, Ornaments, Calendars grace this new space between J.Jill and Yankee Candle, space …
The Wild Horses of Düelman, Still Running Free
On my trip to Germany in May, I taught a workshop and was able to visit and photograph the last wild horse herd in Germany, the Düelman wild horses. “Many Manes” by Carol J. Walker As the mares and foals ran togehter and turned, the different colors and textures of manes were striking. The code for ordering the image is: …
Honoring The Wyoming Checkerboard Wild Horses
For three weeks, I observed as wild horses were rounded up and removed from three Herd Management Areas in Wyoming. There were moments that I got to spend with these horses when they were not being chased by helicopters but were still free with their families, and I will always treasure those moments when they let me into their lives. …
An Expressive Friesian Stallion
In May, I visited Germany to teach a workshop, and was able to meet and photograph and exceptional Friesian stallion named Bindert, with a mane that reached to the ground! “Friesian’s Stance” by Carol J. Walker This gorgeous black Friesian has a wonderful profile with all of that mane. This image can be ordered as a fine art print …
Sable Island Stallions
Sable Island is an amazing, magical place to visit. The island is so remote that the only way to visit is by plane or ship. The 25 mile long sand island which is 100 miles off the coast of Nova Scotia is home to over 500 wild horses that endure very harsh conditions in winter, but continue to thrive. When …
Spanish Stallions in the Spring
Spring is wonderful time to visit the Andalusians in Spain. The weather is cool, the hills are green, and the horses are frisky. “Black Stallion’s Wild Mane” by Carol J. Walker This gorgeous Andalusian’s black coat has red highlights and gleams in the sun as he runs in an arena in southern Spain. This image can be ordered as a …
Wild Horses of Sand Wash Basin
One of my favorite things about visiting the colorful wild horses in the Sand Wash Basin Herd Management Area in Colorado is spending time with the stunning wild stallion Picasso. “Picasso Turns” by Carol J. Walker Picasso turns and looks at another stallion while spending time with his family at the waterhole. This image and be ordered as a …
Carol Walker Presenting at the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo 2017 in Denver March 10-12
Carol Walker will be presenting a talk on photographing wild horses in Colorado and Wyoming at the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo in Denver, March 10, 11 and 12, 2017. The Rocky Mountain Horse Expo will be at the National Western Complex in Denver, 4655 Humboldt St., Denver, CO 80216 The Schedule for presentations each day is here: Master Schedule: http://www.coloradohorsecouncil.com/icws206w4/userfiles/file/Expo/2017%20MASTER%20Speaker%20Schedule%20for%20Website.pdf …
Snow Day at Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary
New Wild Horse Artwork “Painted Snow Day” by Carol Walker I took a trip a few weeks ago to Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary in South Dakota to visit the Adobe Appys, and it was gorgeous with a new snow, and I had wonderful time visiting and photographing the horses in such a gorgeous backdrop. These are two wild horses …