Wild Horses – Carol Walker Presents at Beemis Library in Littleton, Colorado on 2/12

Carol WalkerNews

“Picasso Leaps”
Picasso is a wild stallion in the Sand Wash Basin Herd Area in Colorado

Carol Walker will be giving a presentation on wild horses, including her slideshow of 4 herds set to music on Wednesday, February 12 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The location is the Beemis Library in Littleton, Colorado 6014 S. Datura St., Littleton, CO 80120
Ph: 303-795-3961

She will be discussing issues facing wild horses here in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and in all the 10 western states they call home, as well as letting people know what they can do to help them.

From the Beemis Library site:

“See stunning images and hear stories of horses in the wild from author and photographer Carol Walker, who has travelled around the world photographing wildlife. Seven years ago, Walker began photographing wild horses. As she followed several herds in Wyoming, Colorado and Montana and walked among the herds, she became aware of how precarious their situation on public lands has become. Since then, she has dedicated herself to educating people with her photographs and stories about the wild horses. Learn about life within a herd of wild horses including the roles played by various horses within the herd. Walker’s award-winning book Wild Hoofbeats: America’s Vanishing Wild Horses will be available for purchase and signing at the program.”

Here is the link to more information:
