“See stunning images and hear stories of horses in the wild from author and photographer Carol Walker, who has traveled around the world photographing wildlife. Eleven years ago, Walker began photographing wild horses. As she followed several herds in Wyoming, Colorado and Montana she became aware of how precarious their situation on public lands has become. Since then, she has dedicated herself to educating people with her photographs and stories about the wild horses. See Carol’s photographs of 4 herd set to music in a slideshow, and learn about life within a herd of wild horses including the roles played by various horses within the herd. Walker’s award-winning book Wild Hoofbeats: America’s Vanishing Wild Horses will be available for purchase and signing at the evening event.”
Location: Main Street Fine Art Gallery 28186 Hwy 74, Suite 4 Evergreen, Colorado 80439 (303) 670-7222 Located on Main Street in Evergreen, to the left of Beau Jo’s Pizza. Contact: info@evergreenartists.org
so that we may make seating arrangements! Thank you.