Announcing 2012 Horse Photography Workshop with Carol Walker

Carol WalkerNews

We are excited to announce a Horse Photography Workshop with Carol Walker on September 23- 28, 2012 at a gorgeous working cattle and guest ranch in Montana, Bonanza Creek Ranch. This will be a small workshop, with only 12 participants, and includes two shoots per day, two hours of classroom per day, meals, accommodations and transport to and from the …

Two Events in Colorado: Carol Walker will share her new Wild Horses Slideshow

Carol WalkerNews

Carol Walker will be showing her new Wild Horses Slideshow set to music featuring her favorite images from the Adobe Town Herd in Wyoming, the Pryor Mountain Herd in Montana and the McCullough Peaks Herd in Wyoming and talking about wild horses at two events this week in Colorado: First Friday Artwalk: Friday, December 2, 5- 8pm at The Hitching …

Art Show in New York City featuring Carol Walker’s Photography

Carol WalkerNews

November 29 – December 20th, Carol Walker’s photographs of wild and domestic horses will be featured at an exhibition called “Idiosyncratic Expressions” in New York City at Agora Gallery, 530 West 25th Street, New York, New York. The opening reception will be Thursday, December 1, 2011 from 6-8 pm and Carol Walker will be there. Here is the link to …

Visit Carol Walker’s Booth at Equine Affaire in MA 11/10-11/13

Carol WalkerNews

Carol will have a booth this year once again at Equine Affaire in W. Springfield, Massachusetts. The dates are November 10 – 13, 2011 at the Eastern States Exposition: Carol will have her wild horse and domestic horse art work on display and for sale, on canvas, on bamboo (new for this year!)  matted prints, and  greeting cards.  She …

Book Signing and Wild Horses Slideshow at Downtown Books 10/22/11

Carol WalkerNews

Downtown Books proudly presents an afternoon with Carol Walker author of Wild Hoofbeats, America’s Vanishing Wild Horses andHorse Photography: The Dynamic Guide for Horse Lovers. Join us on October 22, 2011 begining at 1:00 p.m. for Carol’s slide presentation as she acquaints us with the horses she has grown to love through her photography and as she shares her passion …

Horse Photography Workshops: Taos Art School Fall 2011

Carol WalkerPast Workshops

I was invited by the Taos Art School in Taos, New Mexico to teach a 4 day workshop on Horse Photography this fall of 2011. The idea was to provide the students with experience shooting a variety of breeds of horses in a variety of settings, and to provide instruction and hands on coaching while shooting. On our first day, …

Art For Horses Fundraising Art Show October 7 – 22 in Denver

Carol WalkerNews

There is a fundraiser for the Horse Protection League of Golden, Colorado at the Habitat Gallery on Sante Fe in Denver.  I have 4 pieces in the show, and the show runs from October 7 to October 22. I will be attending the artist’s Reception on Friday October 14 at the Habitat Gallery from 6 – 9 pm – last …

Visiting Artist at Boulder Arts and Crafts Gallery September 7 – October 23

Carol WalkerNews

Carol Walker is a visiting artist at the Boulder Arts and Crafts Gallery at 1421 Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado from September 7 until October 23. This gallery which has been in Boulder for 40 years features beautiful local artwork. The artist’s reception will be Friday October 7 from 6 – 8 pm – please come and meet Carol and …

Horse Photography

Carol WalkerNews

My images of wild horses and horses are featured on Fine Art America: horses photos wild horse photos