With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I wanted to put together a very special offer for you in case there’s a mom in your life who would appreciate a truly unconventional, personal gift next month. Starting right now, use code MOTHERSDAY21 at checkout on my website to unlock 25% off your entire order. Shop Available Art I’ll keep that …
Sable Island Stallions in Black and White
The wild horses of Sable Island live in a magical place, a small sand island far off the coast of Halifax Nova Scotia, battered by wind and tides but home to over 500 wild horses, birds and a huge colony of gray seals. These horses live out their lives unmolested by helicopters or roundups. Here are two images from my …
A Wild Cremello Curly Colt, Oh My!
When I was visiting the Salt Wells Creek Herd Management Area in Wyoming outside Rock Springs, I was astonished when I met for the first time a tiny new cremello colored foal that was also a curly! Delighted was not a strong enough word. This little one’s coat was so thick he almost looked like a little lamb. There is …
Last Chance for Horse Photography in Special Studio Sale
Announcing Last Three Days of My Studio Sale Last chance! February 10 is the end of my studio sale. Many of my most popular images on gallery wrapped canvas which are ready to hang on your wall are now offered at very special low prices so that I can make room in my studio for more! Here is where they …
Horses Gallop to Studio Sale
Announcing Studio Sale From January 21 – February 10 many of my most popular images on gallery wrapped canvas which are ready to hang on your wall will be offered at very special prices so that I can make room in my studio for more! Here is where they will be available, first come first served: Shop Studio Sale In …
Thank You for Sharing My Journey
In my last newsletter of 2020, I am saying a huge thank you to you for following me on my journey. Thank you for caring about my photography and thank you most of all for caring about America’s wild horses. Although this year has been challenging on so many levels, I have very good reason to hope that 2021 will …
Snowy Horses and Gift Cards Gallop to the Rescue for Last Minute Holiday Gifts
This classic image is of a bay Andalusian stallion running through the new snow in Colorado on a cold winter morning. It can be found on my new website here: Snow Stallion Runs and you can order it as a fine art print, a metal print, a wood print, a gallery wrapped canvas or an acrylic print in a variety …
Washakie: Painted Wild Stallion of McCullough Peaks
Washakie has been my favorite wild stallion since I first encountered him in 2006 when he was first starting a family. His gorgeous coloring and proud fierce spirit make him stand out among other stallions. Here, he is chasing another stallion away from his family and appears to be headed right at me. His black and white coloring lends itself …
25% off Horse Art by Carol Walker Until November 16
Last Two Days of my Black Friday 25% Off Sale For two more days, you can purchase fine art prints, gallery wrapped canvas, metal prints and acrylic prints on my website for 25% off the regular price. Use coupon code BF2020 at checkout. Shop the Sale: https://www.livingimagescarolwalker.com/ This image can be found on my new website here: Portrait of Blue …
Freedom at Dawn
Handsome wild Leopard Appaloosa stallion Looking Glass is a favorite of many visitors to the Red Desert Complex in Wyoming. I have watched him win a mare and foal, and observed him early in the morning while driving into the area for the past 2 years. He is a very mellow stallion and not concerned by much, and I have …