Wild Horses at North Boulder Holiday Market

Carol WalkerFeatured Artwork

This weekend, December 14, 15 from 11-4 and next weekend December 21, 22 from 11-4, I will have a booth at the NoBo Holiday Market in North Boulder, Colorado. Come and visit if you are in town and shopping. I’ll have cards, matted prints, ornaments, totes, pillows, books and 2025 Calendars, and of course wall art from little to big.

Wild Horses in the News on Tucker Carlson Show Interview with Carol Walker

Carol WalkerFeatured Artwork

Hi everyone, My big news for the week was that I was on Tucker Carlson’s show Wednesday night to talk about the Bureau of Land Management’s mismanagement of America’s wild horses that has led to wild horses being sent to slaughter. To see the full interview with my photographs plus the New York Times article that led up to it, …

Sable Island Stallions in Black and White

Carol WalkerFeatured Artwork

The wild horses of Sable Island live in a magical place, a small sand island far off the coast of Halifax Nova Scotia, battered by wind and tides but home to over 500 wild horses, birds and a huge colony of gray seals. These horses live out their lives unmolested by helicopters or roundups. Here are two images from my …

Dramatic Spanish Horses

Carol WalkerFeatured Artwork

I find that a black background and a black and white image can provide drama with an image, especially when the subjects are gorgeous and expressive Andalusian stallions in Spain. Two Andalusian stallions who are brothers and friends come close together as they are playing in an arena in Spain. This image has won many awards in juried art shows …

Wild Horses – Gallery Wrapped Canvas Inventory Reduction I

Carol WalkerFeatured Artwork

I am delighted to announce that Today is the first day of Inventory Reduction, and the theme for this week is Wild Horses. I am offering a variety of sizes and prices of Gallery Wrapped Canvases which are ready to hang, and they will be available for 1 week only at these lower, 2015 prices. Shipping is free in the …

Wild Horse Tales – Meeting the Funny Family

Carol WalkerWild Horse Tales

My first Wild Horse Tale is about a family I met in June on my first trip to the South Steens Herd Management Area in Oregon. You will see why we named them “the funny family.” From the car, I could see a small group of wild horses together with more horses and cattle in the distance. I did not …

Two Day Fall 2016 Horse Photography Workshop at the Center for America’s First Horse in Vermont

hpg_adminPast Workshops

PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP WITH INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED EQUINE PHOTOGRAPHER CAROL WALKER Center for America’s First Horse in Vermont SEPTEMBER 24 & 25, 2016 Carol Walker, award-winning equine and wildlife photographer, will be teaching a two day photography workshop at The Center for America’s First Horse in Johnson, Vermont. The workshop is a unique opportunity for amateur or professional photographers, and artists who …

New Featured Artwork by Carol Walker: A Summer with Wild Horses

Carol WalkerFeatured Artwork

New Wild Horse Artwork “Cloud’s Pride” by Carol Walker This is the famous wild stallion Cloud in the Pryor Mountains of Montana, who has captured the hearts of people all over the world. This is one of my favorite images of him, that shows his fire and grace and the black and white emphasizes the curve of his neck and …